Shutting the guest-room door on COVID-19
Whether or not any of these types of programs apply to your hotel, or are available where your property is located, hotel owners and operators will need to adhere to higher levels of cleanliness in order to convince guests that the hotel is ‘clean and safe’.
Housekeeping – keeping staff safe
Housekeeping staff must understand the risks and be made aware how transmission of the virus can occur including the importance of hand washing. Housekeeping staff could be at risk from picking up the virus left on hand contact surfaces and material in bedrooms, on linen and towels. Hence, such employees washing their hands hourly or frequently, using a 60% ethanol or 70% isopropanol alcohol-based hand sanitiser is recommended. Staff should wear disposable gloves at all times during cleaning and wear a new pair for each room to avoid cross-contamination. At minimum, staff must protect themselves by immediately hand washing / using sanitising hand gel, after cleaning each room. Master keys should be sanitised daily this includes duplicate keys. Disposable towels and spray cleaners including disposable wipes should be available to staff and guests (as necessary) for instant cleaning of commonly used surfaces. Housekeeping carts / trolleys should either be assigned to team members or sanitised before use each day. Daily cleaning protocols to disinfect cleaning equipment such as toilet brushes, vacuum cleaners, buckets, brooms and mop handles should be mandatory. Ideally, a set of cleaning clothes must be available for each room to avoid cross-contamination. Review handling of disposable glove procedures.
Room assignment – keeping guests and staff safe
Room cleaning – the options Cleaning should start in the clean areas and progress to the dirty areas. Use a “wipe-twice” method to clean and disinfect. Wipe surfaces with a cleaning agent to clean off soil and wipe again with a disinfectant.
Cleaning an occupied (stay over), room: Consider not providing full housekeeping services. Provide a ‘minimum’ clean – replace towels, amenities, make bed, tidy room a bit Or
Consider changing bed-linen every 3rd day or so. Linen and bedding should be bagged before leaving the bedroom to reduce any risk of transmission in the corridor. You may also consider the guest’s option to forgo room cleaning each day, (upto X number of consecutive days) to enhance overall safety.
Cleaning a check-out guest room: Hand contact surfaces should be thoroughly sanitized using a chemical that is effective against respiratory viruses as well as bacteria. You may already have a check list that includes cleaning the following:
Also, you may want to consider the following:
Use of enhanced Technology to counter virus spread Various technologies dependent on costs and affordability are available to improve the cleanliness of your hotel. They include
While not practical in many hotels, companies now manufacture germ-killing and disinfecting robots.
Hospitality Sri Lanka.