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Functionality vs. Purpose

What is the difference between a glum looking doorman silently opening the door and a smiling doorman who warmly welcomes everyone with a ‘welcome to our hotel ‘or a ‘have a nice day’ greeting, whilst opening the door?  One might read more...

A red carpet attitude starts from the top

Within the Corporate world, company loyalty needs to be cultivated. Our parents taught us that ‘trust needs to be earned’, the same applies to employees – we need to earn their trust and loyalty. In my over three decades of read more...

Owning the attitude you should have rented

Too big for your britches?  Do you think you are more important that you are? What are you doing each and every day to prove your worth?   There are certain jobs in which you need to produce results every day, such read more...

Stay different....stay better

Among countless other questions that race through a good General Manager’s mind, this is perhaps one that keeps coming back regularly - the desire to be different; especially over those other hotels in the area and in the similar category. read more...

In pursuit of a good hotel manager (part 1)

Recently someone contacted me to find out if I knew of anyone who could be recommended to manage their hotel. Apparently, the owners had looked at several candidates and found none to be a suitable fit. This doesn’t surprise me: read more...

Harassment issues in the hospitality industry (part 2)

There are two types of sexual harassment: ‘quid pro quo’ and ‘hostile environment’. Quid pro quo, or ‘This for that,’ harassment is when a manager or supervisor either promises to give someone a better position, enhanced pay, or some other improvement in a read more...

Are Managers really managing?

It is clear that 2018 has been and will continue to be a challenging year for hoteliers. In an environment where price slashing and high rates are consistent issues for the hotelier to deal with, competition is a major concern. read more...

Hotel mystery audits

Hotels make a huge investment to create traffic and drive it to the door and hotels spend a fortune on their image and on their brand. If these two significant investments are not aligned you don’t have a fighting chance.   Mystery read more...

Yours insincerely... the TripAdvisor factor

In her blog, Sally Pope who lives in New South Wales, Australia wrote “We have just returned from a few weeks in Asia and are pondering our old friend TripAdvisor. I have always been happy to write reviews, hoping to read more...

Women can make it

Women in the hotel world - it’s my world - I want to see more ladies reaching for the stars.   Can women reach the top of that ladder that so often seems unreachable? I recently met with one of my mentees read more...

Placing guests at the heart of safety- (Part 2)

Safety and security priorities   Safety and security of hotels, be it prevention of accidents, theft or for fire safety, is not only the business of the security department. Yes, it is their core responsibility, but it is also every employees business, read more...

Placing guests at the heart of safety- (Part 3)

Are hotels well prepared?   When we talk of hotel safety and security, fire safety plays a major role. It is essential that there is; a fire warning system; a fire fighting system; a fire prevention programme; and a fire evacuation plan. read more...

Practicing the preach

  In their article ‘Maximizing Your Return on People’ which appeared in the Harvard Business Review, Laurie Bassi and Daniel Mcmurrer state that “Managers are fond of the maxim employees are our most important asset. Yet, beneath the rhetoric, too many read more...

Who is rating your hotel ?

  While it differs from country to country, there are many parameters by which we can judge the quality of a hotel – the most coveted of which is the 5-star rating.   The AA has used a star rating system to classify read more...

Operations heavy and marketing light... or vici versa

What occurs when an organisation puts a heavy emphasis on operations and is less focused on marketing? One would usually see a ‘see-saw’ swing type operation. I.e. the administration of the business practice would change rapidly and repeatedly from one read more...

Will your hotel pass the crash test? (Part 1)

  Most people think that money alone is enough to ‘start’ a hotel. They fail to realise that they need more than that. Unsurprisingly, the ‘ending’ often turns out to be disappointing and an unhappy one at that! Such people may read more...

Will your new hotel pass the crash test? (Part 2)

  Starting a hotel as a business can be a challenging undertaking. Whether you’re envisioning no-frills accommodation for business travelers, high-end boutiques or a comfortable bed-and-breakfast, you will need to spend ample time researching and planning before taking the plunge because read more...

The morning meeting

  The morning meeting is a mainstay in almost every hotel. All the key department managers and leaders gather, usually in the front office or sometimes an in-house meeting room, to devour the day’s business at hand. It is a great read more...

Opening hotels is like boiling eggs; there's a process!

  Invariably, I will start the onboarding of new hotel owners by using a metaphor: “Opening hotels is like boiling eggs…” Wikipedia defines boiled eggs as “(typically) chicken eggs cooked by immersion in boiling water with their shells unbroken.” It takes read more...

Obstacles to soft branding

When I attended the IHIF in Berlin in March, I was again overwhelmed by the number of brands on the market. From hostels to luxury – there seems to be a brand for every type of property, location and clientele. read more...

3 words can make or break your hotel...

Having a Standard of Operation or SOPs as they are commonly referred to is never going to guarantee perfection. However a large number of hotels operate without any documented SOPs and that is alarming.  When it is suggested that SOPs read more...

Defining luxury in the hospitality industry

  The blurb appearing in a hotel advertisement that said, “Please cast your valuable vote for the Kxxxxxxxx Hotel in the 2017 World Luxury Hotels Awards...” caught my eye and immediately and had me thinking. Have you noticed that everything has read more...

How does one differentiate?

People in the hospitality trade often ask me about differentiation.  First of all, let’s examine the true definition of product differentiation. Product differentiation is a marketing strategy whereby businesses attempt to make their product unique to stand out from competitors. Businesses read more...

The many moments of truths

Applying the theory that by creating positive outcomes at every interaction the business would be successful, Jan Carlzon, president of Scandinavian Airlines in the 1980’s went on to make that airline one of the most admired in the industry. Thus read more...

Defining hotel opening management

New hotel projects suffer from frequent delays due to poor – or no – project management. The consequences hurt hotel owners and operators alike. This blog addresses some of the key concepts of project management and defines what hotel opening read more...

Sri Lankan hotels again facing the threat of terrorism

Prior to 9/11, terrorists mainly targeted military and government facilities. However, after drastic improvements in security measures by government authorities, extremist terrorists shifted their attention to hotels, which are viewed as ‘easier-to-hit’ targets. Consequently, the hotel and tourism industry is read more...

Hotels surviving in hard times

Hoteliers in Sri Lanka will have hardly any time to brace for the downturn that will hit with extreme swiftness after the horrific terror attacks on Easter Sunday.   As the impact begins to bite, the majority of - if not all read more...

Accidents in hotels...who's liable? (Part 1)

People stay in hotels for several reasons. It could be a business related trip, when going on holiday, when visiting family or friends who live far away or for any number of other purposes. Hotels play an important role, and, read more...

What is your Emergency Action Plan (EAP)?

Once again hotel security comes under the microscope following the dastardly attacks by terrorists that left over 250 innocent people dead on Easter Sunday. Hotel security has become such a ‘top-of-the-mind’ issue among people in the hospitality industry and guests read more...

An open letter to hoteliers (Part 1)

Dear Hotel Friends Why don’t you appreciate me more than you do when I show up at your doorstep? Have you lost sight of the fact, that, as your guest, I am at the centre of the hospitality industry and in read more...

An open letter to hoteliers (Part 2)

Efficiency: Many of you opt for leaner staff as a strategic decision or a financial necessity. What you fail to do is to adapt to the staffing realities by updating procedures and creating new efficiencies. Properly managed, a reduction in read more...

Hotel security is serious business

In the aftermath of the horrific attacks that occurred in April, one now encounters several security measures adopted by many hotels. During my recent visits to several hotels in Colombo, I found a range of different approaches to executing security read more...

5 stars? not really!

Phillip, my friend from England visits Sri Lanka very regularly whilst also travelling to various other worldwide holiday destinations. Phillip’s link to our island stretches back to the time when he was born in Ceylon (as it was then known), read more...

Initiative and 'Finishiative'

As I review more than 30 years of management consulting, some executives and their practices stand out in bold relief. A chief executive I met in the early 1960’s and continue to meet now and then gets things done in read more...

Lessons from the hospitality industry (Part 2)

Proactively problem-solving   Problem-solving skills will come into play no matter what career path you choose. Some problems are easier to navigate while others are trickier to handle. Service and perception is a double-edged sword in hospitality. Get one or the other read more...

Pet peeves: straws, laundry wrap and towels...

I would like to share a couple of hotel stay frustrations that are emblematic of our unwillingness to change our behavior and reduce negative impact on the environment. Straws: Scientists have confirmed there are five garbage patches across the world’s oceans where read more...

6 roadblocks to a project management approach

In an earlier blog, I mentioned that project management is not a bandage to be applied when a new hotel project is already derailed, but a strategic competence. It is the ability to predictably, consistently delivery projects for strategic goals.   The read more...

A hotel manager's prayer

Dear lord, help me become the type of manager my bosses would like me to be, especially when they think they know it all…which can be very frustrating to those of us who do.    Please give me the strength to tell read more...

Are you committed or involved?

During a recent assignment, one of our principals used the business fable of the chicken and the pig to explain the difference between commitment and involvement. Apparently it came out of the agile project management space and is about commitment read more...

What is Leadership?

Leadership can be a confusing application. Just google leadership and you will get so much information it can make your head spin. I am going to try and simplify the definition of leadership in this article. I am writing this read more...

Processes: Time to improve or time to innovate?

We have all learned the value of continuous improvement and appreciate the discipline of applying Lean principles to map out existing processes and remove waste. But in some cases, companies stop too soon and fail to explore more innovative opportunities.   Some read more...

If you know how to do something

As a leader, it is no surprise to hear someone say that teaching others is one of your core responsibilities.   When it comes to delegation it is important to remember there is a big distinction between giving the work you do read more...

Outsourcing - the double edged sword

In the last decade or two, several hotels have resorted to outsourcing services in an effort to cut costs. Outsourcing services means less payroll burden for the operator and improves the hotel’s cost efficiency. This shift to outsourcing is gathering read more...

8 Leadership Mantras to keep in mind

In 1914 Sir Ernest Shackleton led an expedition comprising seamen and scientists to the Antarctica with the aim of crossing the then-unexplored continent. Unfortunately, the expedition ship ‘Endurance’ was trapped in ice and drifted off course for 10 months before read more...

Duty meals - Part 1

Recently I attended a hotel association conference where I was a speaker for one of their breakout sessions. The opening morning of the convention started with a breakfast where we listened to the many great developments within the association in read more...

Sustainability is everyone's responsibility

Since of late, I’ve been asked on more than a few occasions, whether hotels are doing enough in the name of sustainability? And, that has got me thinking. For starters, let’s ask ourselves ‘Are enough hotels doing enough to be read more...

Getting close to the engine room

In my career I have worked with a lot of interesting characters. To say the least, they were all quite colorful, usually fanning the flames of the hotel’s drama and adding their own seasoning. One boss I had was particularly read more...

Two lies you need to stop telling yourself

#1 – The Lie is Complexifying Everything   That’s a word that means we’re making things complex or what Complexifying also means: You are taking one issue and applying it to many situations or people. For instance, the issue of leaders not read more...

Shutting the 'back' door on COVID-19

Employers have a statutory duty to ensure the health and safety of employees whilst at work. No employee will also wish to put any fellow employee at risk of contracting the coronavirus while at work. Simple precautions and planning can read more...

Normally, new is better...correct?

Everyone keeps talking of the ‘new normal’ in hospitality. So what is the ‘new normal’? To get a handle on what this really means, we may perhaps have to first look at the ‘old normal’.   Before COVID-19 turned the hospitality industry read more...

Hotel - an extension of home?

There has been a lot of talk about how a hotel and its guest rooms are meant to make guests feel as though they never left home. This originates from a ‘school of thought’ that says “what guests have in read more...

Sri Lankan hotels - think local...act global

It is critical for destinations, in particular tourism-reliant nations such as Sri Lanka, to develop strategic actions to be able to recover from COVID-19. These must be implemented now otherwise it will be too late. Already destinations in which lockdowns read more...

The Consultants

“That’s enough detail. I already have a good understanding of the requirements.” – Jeff Haden, New York Times   Inside of the hotel company I worked for there has always been a constant movement to increase efficiency, especially inside the financial function. Not read more...

Characteristics of a boutique Hotel

Seeing that it is so difficult to define exactly what a boutique hotel is…it may be far simpler to discuss the characteristics that separate a boutique hotel from other lodging options, as well as  the distinct common features they have read more...

Guest interaction: The past and the present

Historically, the hotel lobby has undergone many changes over the years. In fact, hotels generally did not have lobbies until the 19th century. In those early days, only the luxury hotels had ‘statement producing’ lobbies that were large gathering places. read more...

How to get the monkey off your back

As the manager, is it possible that you are helping your people in a way that is similar to feeding their monkeys? No? Guess again.   Can you recall how often this has happened? You, as the manager, whilst walking in the read more...

Uncertainty is a certainty after COVID-19

Up until COVID-19 brought the world to a standstill, the running of a hotel, whether it was in 1820, 1920 or 2020, didn’t differ much. Guests were welcomed, given a room, served breakfast and bid goodbye. Best practices built around read more...

The five stages of (hotel industry) grief

Macau is six months into the COVID-19 crisis, and the Special Administrative Region has fared remarkably well, with only 46 cases and zero deaths to date. Of course the casinos remain empty for now, as border crossing remains subject to read more...

Preparing for the 'next normal'

COVID-19, travel restrictions, shutdowns and lockdowns have brought about an unprecedented impact on lives and livelihoods in the entire world. Much has been said about it and while it is affecting the health, economy, business and geopolitical structures of every read more...

After COVID-19...a glimpse of the future

Moving on after COVID-19, if the hospitality industry is to stay at the forefront of change it must envisage certain potential scenarios and anticipate the future before it happens. The industry, especially hotel and restaurant operators must imagine a tranche read more...

'Agents' of change to... 'victims' of change

In the pre-pandemic world as we knew it, the gurus of business stood on stage at some seminar or another exhorting everyone in the audience to be ‘agents’ of change. Then the coronavirus swiftly swept across the planet making us read more...

Sometimes, it's better to say "No"

What is one of the most powerful words, and one that we are typically trained to minimise resorting to in Hospitality? It is the word “No”.   Being in Hospitality is all about going the extra mile to keep your client happy, read more...

Dependency over empowerment

Sometime ago, I ran a one-day course for 35 participants in a hotel. For various reasons, a number of participants were late and the morning sessions could not start on time. So, around 9.10 am, I asked a member of read more...

The heart of hospitality needed now more than ever

By focusing on what guests really want—warmth, welcome and genuine interactions—true leaders will rise above the challenges of this pandemic era.Inarguably, the current pandemic era is the most challenging time in the modern era of hotel industry history.   Hotels are operating read more...

Is remote working here for good?

The COVID-19 pandemic pushed us to look at the way we operated in a totally dramatic manner. Policies that were rigid and seemingly non-negotiable pre-pandemic were thrown out as the world chaotically spun around in all directions.   One outcome that arose read more...

Winners and losers

Every business in the world is now operating in a high-risk environment and hospitality is firmly on the front-line as the economy struggles to get back on its feet. Usually, there are winners and losers coming out of any crisis. read more...

Is hospitality different to customer service?

In his book “Setting the table”, Danny Meyer highlights the importance of balancing both service and hospitality, reiterating that “understanding the distinction between service and hospitality has been the foundation of his success”. Let’s discover that distinction.   Hospitality follows many of read more...

The price of inaction is more than the cost of making a mistake

Inaction is described as the lack of action where some is expected or appropriate. Other words associated with inaction are; inertia, non-action, passivity, passiveness, immobility, indifference, slackness, apathy, laxity, idleness.   ‘Why does not the government do something about this?’ is an read more...

Work during holiday...my bleisure!

Before the coronavirus descended upon us, there was business travel, pleasure travel and other travel. Around early 2010 or thereabouts, a new trend emerged. One that combined the world of business with that of leisure…and soon the word ‘bleisure’ was read more...

From 'agents of change' to 'victims of change'

Change is the encapsulation for disruption. That being said, at the heart of change is the view of interrupting what the norm is to bring in a new desired state. According to the Cambridge dictionary, change is “an interruption in the usual read more...

It's not about you

It is about others, so let’s begin this posting by saying… You are special! You are amazing! You are unique and different! You can accomplish all that you want in this world! Now… hopefully, I have addressed you before anyone else.   I watched a video read more...

Enslaved by the system

Systems are essential for pretty much anything to function in a consistent manner. They advance almost all things we do in the modern world, including how we rest and relax. Let me ask you this; who created these systems? Who read more...

Mastering 'the timing' of an apology in service recovery

Developing and retaining customer relationships with customers, is a key, if not critical strategy for sustaining business, and this includes protecting the loyalty and welfare of one’s’ current customers.    Problems and complaints are bound to occur over the lifetime of any read more...

Contactless technology is pointless when...

In a previous article we carried very recently, titled, ‘The shift towards contactless technology in hospitality’; Ilzaf Keefahs wrote about the seismic shift that is now taking place in hospitality, with hotels, adapting to technology quicker than prior to COVID-19, read more...

Practice makes perfect...so start practising

Here we are, under yet another ‘lockdown’ in Sri Lanka amidst the latest wave of Covid, and the dreaded Delta variant to boot. Local and international tourism is well and truly down. But it will rise like the proverbial phoenix read more...

How hospitable is the Post-COVID future?

Since of late, I’ve been regularly asked whether hospitality will return to what it was before COVID-19. The question, though seemingly straight forward has many twists and turns. Firstly, surrounded by a pandemic that simply won’t go away or just read more...

The devil is in the details...

The Devil is in the Details is a saying that you will doubtless have heard at some point in your life. It’s an idiom that means that while something may appear simple and straightforward at first glance, it is actually read more...

If I am talking...am I walking?

A lot of times when a speaker addresses people… be it at a gathering, a meeting or an event, and when it is done do without any podium or from behind a table, there is the tendency to walk a read more...

4 weak reasons for neglecting to develop staff

As a hotel or restaurant manager, you are no doubt familiar with employee turnover. Not only do exiting employees disrupt productivity and impact guest service in a number of ways, replacing them usually requires a significant investment of time, effort read more...

The black swan that refuses to go away

In his book ‘The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable’, Professor Nassim Nicholas Taleb defines the ‘black swan’ event as a high impact, low probability event with certain pre-conditions: it’s unpredictable and rare beyond what is normally expected read more...

To overshoot, undershoot or stay in the middle

Although it happens everywhere and anywhere in our everyday lives, Most of us have probably never heard of the concept of “Overshooting and Undershooting”. Whenever we buy products and services, we overshoot, undershoot or prefer to stay in the middle. read more...

Tipping point

Sandwiched between two enormous crises; a public health emergency and an economic meltdown the business world is in upheaval - none more so, than the hospitality industry, and, particularly the restaurant industry where several establishments have closed for good.   Those working read more...

The walkabout

There is an old aboriginal ritual called the ‘Walkabout’ which is a ceremony that marks the stage where aboriginal boys transit from childhood to manhood. This spiritual transition requires the boys to embark on a journey of self discovery by read more...

An omnipresent GM who picks up the trash

Having been in the profession of hotel training for over three decades, with an average of six clients a month, one can imagine I have stayed in a lot of lodging facilities across all segments. I am often asked “What read more...

This too, shall pass...eventually

That unforgettable day in early March, 2020 is when life as we knew it changed. Like falling dominoes, businesses, airports hotels, restaurants, schools and all activities including sports came to a grinding halt. Countries closed borders, cities virtually shut down, read more...

Navigating the hotel guest journey nowadays

As the COVID-19 spikes diminish, it’s clear that hotel stays will not immediately revert to precisely how it was prior to the pandemic. In the meantime, there will be winners and losers. Some hotels will scramble to bring back some read more...

Empowering staff is not about letting go of power

Tom Peters calls empowerment “purposeful chaos”. Robert Waterman refers to it as “directed autonomy”. What does one call it in terms of the hospitality industry? There are a multitude of descriptors. What I liked most was the one that goes read more...

Magnificent managers mentor to the max

If your hotel is looking to improve guest service satisfaction, one of the first steps midlevel managers should do is evaluate how they’re mentoring or developing front-line staff.   Nearly every week I head out on the road delivering hotel sales and read more...

Tomorrow will belong to the unafraid

To survive and thrive in today’s world, it takes a lot more than clinging or going back to yesteryear’s strategies and hoping for the best. For sure budgets are tighter, consumers harder to reach and hiring staff a nightmare, but read more...

Achieving the goal but not the aim

A real ‘moment of truth’ emerges after an interaction with a hotel employee or the experience from eating out; be it a telephone call with the hotel reservationist to make a room booking or when you walk away after dining read more...

Defying conventional wisdom

In 2004, The School of Hotel Administration Cornell University invited Peter Kline the then CEO of the Bristol Hotel chain to deliver the Commencement address for that year’s graduation ceremony. What Kline, himself an alumnus of the University, having earned read more...

Insights from "Confessions of a hotel insider"

I just put down the book titled “Heads in Beds: A Reckless Memoir of Hotels, Hustles, and So-Called Hospitality”- written by Jacob Tomsky in 2012. The stuff that he shares with the reader includes those that hotel guests rarely get read more...

Go where the action is

All too often we hear hotel managers complain of having to keep ahead of the paper work, which they claim traps them to the desk. This is apart from having to attend countless meetings in-between. That said, the uncontested truth read more...

Missionize your mission statement

Hotels, companies must put purpose behind goals.   For decades now, it has been fashionable for companies from all industries to craft a mission statement to summarize their shared values and to give work more purpose. I first encountered this concept as read more...

Optimizing guest personalization

As hospitality continues to experience bouts of uncertainty throughout the recovery and guests continue to practice new travel behaviors, historical data, i.e. predictive analytics that mirrored past performances as a benchmark, is by and large, no longer relevant. Forecasting hotel read more...

How far is very good from superb?

The distance between very good and superb is actually quite far and it requires a highly motivated team, attention to every detail, and, above all, creativity to break out of the commodity service delivery crowd to get there.   Hoteliers talk of read more...

Going beyond POLA in the service industry

Have you heard of the law of ‘The Principle of Least Astonishment (POLA)? It is an interface and software standard. Basically, it says that programmes should operate in a way that least astonishes the user. In other words, the system read more...

Genuinely real people vs. the 'automata effect'

The nowadays experience, we all too often receive when dealing with retail suppliers and others like them, is service just limited to websites. The age-old method of dealing with a ‘live’ person is rapidly vanishing.   When you phone a bank, a read more...

Mess(aging) with chatbots

Chatbots have been around for a while where artificial intelligence (AI), and automation have already been introduced earlier in various other industries. The hospitality industry though, has been reluctant to accept this new technology; largely because of the fear of read more...

One thing at a time

After a two year hiatus, following the havoc wrought by the pandemic, when the number one priority for hospitality operators shifted to health and safety, travel has returned in full force, and it’s now important to acknowledge how the behavior read more...

Five key dimensions of communications - Part 1

Those of us in the business of hospitality are frequently told how the latest technological tools can improve the guest experience. No doubt these devices can provide significant value, but not everyone has the budget to invest in them. For read more...

Five key dimensions of communications - Part 2

When dining in restaurants, I am sometimes unsure whether the waiter took my order correctly? That’s partly because it’s too easy to pretend to be listening, instead of actively listening. Very often, despite informing the waiter that I am allergic read more...

Hospitality revamped

Imagine walking into a hotel room where there is no bed to be seen, not even a working desk? No clutter of furniture and lots of space – ideal for an office! That’s perhaps how the guestroom of the future read more...

Empowerment is about doing, not make believe

“The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men (and women), to do what he wants done, and self-restraint enough to keep from meddling with them while doing it” Theodore Roosevelt   Whilst there are those who read more...

Do your departments talk to each other where it matters?

Any business, including those under the umbrella of hospitality, consists of multiple departments or functions, each performing a specific set of tasks, with defined responsibilities, duties, KPIs, budgets, etc. However, the smooth functioning of the business as a whole depends read more...

What is the hospitality industry?

Most people define professions in a simplified manner by what those professions do. Engineers build things; Economists study money; Psychologists look into people’s minds; Doctors take care of patients; Hotelier’s look after people and so on…   It gets a bit more read more...

Integrity, role modeling and culture in hospitality

Most dictionaries define ‘integrity’ as “the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles that you refuse to change”.   Everyone seems to want integrity from their leaders, but…there appears to be great uncertainty about what it is or how to read more...

Future-gazing and future shaping

Christopher Barnatt, a futurist, author, videographer and Associate Professor of Strategy and Future Studies at Nottingham University Business School describes what future gazing and future shaping is all about: ”the process of taking actions today to select and work towards read more...

'Heart Failure' - the leading cause of bad reviews

When you read a cross-section of negative comments from online reviews and guest surveys, it’s easy to recognize a common theme across all lodging operations: “Heart failure.”  More specifically, I am referring to the failure to understand the true heart read more...

Be a better person than your word

The pursuit of been labeled a good hotel is a common desire although not all hotels are created equal. Been ‘good’ though, is no longer good enough. In a market where there are hundreds, if not thousands, of other hotels read more...

Personalization - staying relevant

A recent movement to hit the hospitality industry is the idea of guest personalization.   Some hotels however don’t seem to get it though. For example, if you talk to them about mobile check-ins, they’ll tell you “Our guests won’t like that”. read more...

Applying 'Organic' to service delivery in hospitality

In common usage, organic is used to mean “healthful” or “close to nature.” It can also describe foods grown without artificial pesticides or fertilizers. In other uses, organic refers to living things or material that comes from living things. In medical terms, organic means “relating to read more...

Where have all the workers gone?

If one were to change the lyrics of the song ‘Where have all the flowers gone?’ to relate to the hospitality industry, it may well begin:   “Where have all the workers gone, long time passing? ‘Where have all the workers gone, long read more...

Too much bureaucracy can cause staff attrition

Businesses across the service industry spectrum report employee retention as both problematic and costly. This is not a new phenomenon. It began a long time before the pandemic. The reason an employee decides to leave an organization varies. Commonly perceived read more...

Make your words matter

The other day I took my family including my 14 month grandson to a Sunday buffet lunch at a leading 5-star hotel. Having made a table reservation the previous day and upon announcing this, the employee at the entrance said read more...

Is it justified to be inhospitable?

Recently, we saw on the news how staff of a clothing store ganged up on a physically abusive customer and proceeded to beat the living daylights out of him. Later investigation revealed that the shopper had, in fact started the read more...

Tiny details can add up to make a huge difference

In the hospitality business, it is amazing how little tiny details can transform an experience from good, average or just ok, to amazing!   There’s this drive-in laundry operated by a 5-star hotel which I regularly visit for washing and / or read more...

Do systems really make things easier?

We’ve all heard the dreaded phrase “something wrong with the system”. It always seems to come at the worst possible time. Like when you’re checking into a hotel after a 12-hour flight and just want to catch some shut eye. read more...

Word-of-mouth to world-of-mouth

Nowadays, everyone it appears, talk of peoples’ eagerness to travel, despite airfares, hotel rates and everything else costing an arm and a limb. After being released from a virtual home imprisonment sprinkled with lockdowns and restrictions caused by the recent read more...

Core values in hotel businesses

Ever wonder what actually happens inside a hotel that has no core values? What one usually sees is negative or unhappy behaviour, low productivity and high staff turnover among other toxic issues.   The notion of company values or organizational core values read more...

The before and after experience is the real test of a brand

A new restaurant, announcing its arrival with great fanfare opens in town. The slick marketing carried out by the restaurant, fuelled potential customers’ anticipation of an unique dining experience: That’s the ‘Before’.   Soon after the opening, diners are welcomed with impersonal read more...

The difference between "hospitality" and "guest service"

A lot of leaders, including some with decades of experience who work at top-tier companies, do not fully understand the difference between “hospitality” and “guest service.” Industry expert Doug Kennedy shares his insights on which hotel leaders must understand both. These read more...

Tipping point...

The story which we carried last week of a group of 13 year olds who went to a diner for the first time without any adults, only to realise later that they had inadequately tipped the waiter for his excellent read more...

Reducing unforeseen risks through active watchfulness

Risk is inherent is almost every activity. It surrounds us in our educational, business and personal lives. Learning how to identify, analyze, assess, control, avoid, minimize or eliminate unacceptable risks is a life skill needed by all.   To begin with, let read more...

Applying 'Porters 5 forces' in the hospitality industry

Force #1: Competitors in the industry   Harvard Professor Michael Porter identifies competitors as the core of this strategic framework. When several hotels of similar standards and star ratings operate in the same area, competition can be fierce - especially where supply read more...

A cake for all reasons

During my time of having worked over three decades in the hospitality industry, I’ve had the opportunity of befriending several guests. Of the many conversations we’ve had, one in particular, was how hotels and restaurants treated them when their birthday read more...

Breaking the rules when it most matters...

In the hospitality industry, where people deal with people, it can be a challenging workout comparable sometimes to a full contact game. Because, the needs of customers or their demands can vary from the mundane to the extremely intricate, and, read more...

Managers must have their employees back

Business leaders in almost every industry speak in one voice, that looking ahead; differentiation will separate the successful organisations from those that are not. For example, if all hotels were identical offering very similar products and prices – they provide read more...

Hotel design - where form and function matter equally

“Recognizing the need is the primary condition for design.” - Charles Eames   A well designed hotel lobby can create an atmosphere that instantly affects the guests’ first impression from the moment they arrive, but if the relationship between the function and the read more...

The 2024 hotel budget period is around the corner

The hospitality industry has seen unprecedented volatility over the past few years, which may make creating a budget for 2024 intimidating. However one has to get ready to plan the hotel budget for 2024 pretty soon.   Before getting started, let’s remind read more...

Moving on...and up

When I joined the hotel industry after passing out from the Ceylon Hotel School (as it was then known), I had some doubts as to whether I had it in me to work at the highest level. Joining a new read more...

Are you a hotel manager or a leader?

Many executives mistakenly believe that being a good manager makes one a fine leader or vice – versa. Others assume that holding a senior position within a hospitality business – be it as a general manager in a hotel or read more...

Mind the gap

Customers form expectations of the services they are about to encounter based on their own prior experience or from narratives received of past experiences of others. And now, thanks to technological advances, the possession of smart phones has resulted in read more...

What do guests really want?

Hotels cannot improve or succeed if they’re missing the basics of customer experience. Research keeps telling us that customers still value the basics of their hotel stay (i.e. location, bed, bathroom, cleanliness, breakfast, speed, convenience, and knowledgeable helpful/friendly service).   In reality, read more...

The customer who never returns

“There is only one boss - the Customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the Chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else.” – Sam Walton   Sam Walton, founded the first Walmart store in 1962 with his brother, read more...

How would you define modern luxury?

How many times have you heard the word 'luxury' in a hotel description? It seems to be one of the most abused words in the hoteliers' dictionary! I've seen many hotels claim to be luxurious, when at most they are read more...

Need for speed

This is not about providing guests with fast internet speeds. For sure, nothing is going to irritate a guest faster than realising they cannot connect to the internet instantly, or that the flow of hot water is like ‘waiting for read more...

Pretend to be your own customer

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending”- Maria Robinson   Having recently made a dinner booking at a 5-star hotel managed by a leading International hotel chain, that had just opened; read more...

The secret ingredients of unreasonable hospitality

Gary Leff in his article titled “Full service airlines and hotels have forgotten they’re In the hospitality business”, refers to something he came across in the book “Unreasonable Hospitality: The Remarkable Power of Giving People More Than They Expect”  written read more...

Do as I say, not as I do

It is a more than reasonable expectation that hotel senior management would set the right example through their words and actions. An example of exemplary customer-centric service, an example of follow-through, and an example of being present in the moment, read more...

Making service work

Luxury was the brand characteristic in the 1980s, and then it was quality in the 90s, which then turned to excellence at the turn of the century. Fast forward to the 2020s… and you enter the decade of technology and read more...

Picking guest 'feelings'

Guests nowadays do not stay at a hotel purely for its physical environment or for the free breakfast. They stay because of the way the hotel’s staff makes them feel. It’s about making guests ‘feel’ from the moment they are read more...

Who do you serve ?

During separate discussions I’ve had with the management teams of certain star class hotels, I posed them several critical questions including asking them “who do you serve?” The answers I received were varied and revealing.   Several declared they serve the interests read more...

Avoiding Parkinson's Law of triviality

…and adapting a mu-shin style of management.   In the world of hospitality management, where a fast-paced environment is the norm, staying focused can be a challenge when your work environment is bustling with distractions and interruptions. For some, like frontline staff, read more...

Don't punish the efficient ones

Have you ever been to a hotel where out of four bellmen, three stood around chatting, while the fourth struggled back and forth pushing a heavily-loaded luggage trolley? Or did you dine at a fairly busy restaurant, where one or read more...

Does your service business need AI? Here are 4 rules to help you decide

Artificial intelligence is the big thing right now, with retail industries from finance to health care scrambling to adopt AI or risk being left behind. But speaking as professors of business, we think some companies might be jumping the gun.   Our recent research suggests that service providers shouldn’t automatically jump on read more...

Organizational culture change is never complete

When there is a desire to change organizational culture, a forward-thinking mindset is essential. By laying out plans for today, tomorrow and a month or a year down the road, positive changes can be implemented for long-term success.   Singapore is a read more...

A new kind of rage in hospitality

Those of us, who drive a vehicle or ride a bike, have at some time or another, succumbed to road rage in some form or another. This could include expressing anger at a fellow road user by sounding the horn read more...

Core values that affect hospitality performance

Moral Values - One’s dealings and actions must include always doing what is right – not only legally, but ethically as well. The hospitality industry’s ethical problems reflect the challenges that occur in a cash-based, people-intensive and disreputably underpaid industry.  read more...

Touch and tech: tug-of-war or hand-in-hand?

I’ve been in the hotel industry for over 45 years. Many erstwhile colleagues whom I worked with have called it quits and quietly gone into retirement, I haven’t. Yes, I’ve eased my foot off the pedal but I’ve not taken read more...

Hospitality expressed through interaction

“What guests really remember about a hotel is not service (the task that is expected) but it [is] the hospitality that is exhibited.” – Montgomery, 2016   Employee turnover, customer experience, and sales are the top three challenges facing hospitality and retail businesses read more...

Customer hospitality is bigger than guest service

Colleagues, suppliers are vital customers too   In the lodging industry, we tend to think of our customers as “guests,” reflecting the foundational concept of, “treat our guests as you would those visiting your own home.” However, customer hospitality is the philosophical read more...

The creation of culture

I never cease to be amazed by the number of organisations that believe a sign or two on a wall is sufficient to drive employees towards delivering great service or instilling the value of quality and dedication. Then there are read more...

Fast forwarding guest feedback

Mistakes are how we learn. Sometimes though, we do not realise that we have made a mistake or spot one that has occurred. There are those of course, who prefer to stay in denial, refusing to acknowledge or understand why read more...

Pushing Digital Messaging over the edge

In today’s business environment, literally everything seems to be about technology. Five years ago, it seemed nothing was as buzzy and mysterious as ‘Search Engine Optimisation’. Today, ‘Content Marketing’ has taken over as the reigning buzz phrase in marketing circles. read more...

When does service excellence become 'Legendary?'

Legendary service.   Many organizations use this phrase to describe and promote their service. But how many have really earned the right to claim customer service excellence?   If you give good service, that’s not legendary. If you go out of your way for read more...

Project 'Clean Sri Lanka'

The Sri Lankan government’s ‘Clean Sri Lanka’ project which was launched recently, aspires to make the island the cleanest country in the Asian region. Getting better than Singapore, Japan or South Korea is wishful thinking; nevertheless one can aim for read more...

The big idea

Change is coming: How to prepare   It is obvious for many of us: 2025 will be a year of significant changes. Depending on your perspective, you may find some of the changes positive and others negative; another person may feel the read more...

What happened to hospitality?

Another trend over the past couple of decades has been to look at your staff as a tool, like your stove or your coolers. We have taught managers to be disconnected from the employees, to not get to close because read more...

When the lights go out...what do you do?

“Hoping for the best whilst being unprepared for the worst”   Here’s something in a different vein from me, along the lines of Health and Safety, rather than the usual Marketing, Customer Service or Automotive-related content that I tend to write about read more...
