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Navigating the hotel guest journey nowadays

As the COVID-19 spikes diminish, it’s clear that hotel stays will not immediately revert to precisely how it was prior to the pandemic. In the meantime, there will be winners and losers. Some hotels will scramble to bring back some services (and products) that were hurriedly discarded when forced to introduce heightened safety and hygiene protocols. Others will simply continue to operate as they did during the time the coronavirus was at its peak.


Make no mistake, the desire and intensity to travel is definitely there. This is evidenced by the surge in domestic and international air and hotel bookings since of late, after travel restrictions in several countries all over the world were lifted or eased.


A lot is been said on how things have changed with many expressing a yearning for a return to the good ‘ole’ days before COVID. Yes, the new normal, as it has come to known has brought with it many changes. In particular, it varies with the type of hotel and its location.


Similar to the easing of border closures, some beach properties have pretty much reverted to the ‘normal’ we knew prior to March 2020. Whilst employees are required to wear masks, it is optional for guests. Guests are offered a welcome drink …and in real glassware. In the cities, there is check-in kiosks for those who wish to dash to their rooms to quickly put up their feet, while for others; there are front desk staff eager to offer assistance with a one-to-one interaction and to provide information about the hotel services.


In certain hotels, room service is back on the trail, although not many guests would miss it except for that ‘breakfast in bed’ indulgence or a late breakfast after a long sleep. Guests will need to still carry their luggage to the room as there a very few bellman. What of valet parking? Not yet! On the upside, Housekeeping is back on the floors, providing daily room cleaning and turndown services. Don’t get caught out though – some hotels continue to provide housekeeping services only on request…and that too only where the hotel is informed a day earlier.


If one did not receive the complimentary bottle of water at the front desk – then be pleasantly surprised to see its return in the room. If not, that’s something of a letdown. Cool off with a quick shower and resume the battle to remove that pesky ‘dissatisfier’ - the cling foil wrapped around the individual bar soap. That’s when the liquid soap dispensers come out as winners.


Give up looking around for hotel pens and material to write on. They are no longer there and unlikely to return; not for safety concerns but as a cost-cutting exercise. Research has it that pens and notepads are the most items taken away by hotel guests!


Want to exercise? Before donning your eye catching gym attire call to check if you need to still make an appointment. Some hotels require you to do so for social distancing reasons. Others, owing to a combination of staff shortages and fluctuating occupancy levels, may open the fitness centre only between Friday and Sunday. Then beware, there are hotels, especially in the States who do the same for breakfast service, as well. The morning after, can really turn out to be a disaster if there is no tea / coffee maker in the room! If you are lucky to be able to order some food from nearby – be prepared to go down to the reception to pick it up.


Shafeek Wahab – Editor, Hospitality Sri Lanka, Consultant, Trainer, Ex-Hotelier

