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Shift your thinking - Part 2

I like to talk to my workshop participants about this important view of their world before we begin. I know that most have come to my workshop thinking we are going to talk about accounting and for most people, that’s comparable to a dentist appointment. I mean, who would knowingly and enthusiastically show up for a workshop on accounting if it’s not your thing and be excited?


But I want them to see the other side. The side that gets them excited about what’s possible. You see, the participants don’t yet know that they are in for a treat. An unexpected bonus for life. An awakening to their personal power and the potential of greater personal prosperity. Now that’s a tall order but I know I can deliver. I know I can because it’s happened every time before. It’s all about showing them that this financial leadership stuff is good for their career, pocketbook and most importantly their view of the world and their place in it.


You see the first two are obvious. If I know my numbers and can speak to the business strategy then I will have more chances for advancement, promotions and these will happen sooner and more frequently. Secondly, with more and frequent promotions comes more money. These two go hand in hand and let’s face it, we all need it and want it. It’s what makes our western world go around.


The third part they never see right away. It takes time and some positioning by me to expose it. It’s what we call in this business, difference making. If something or someone makes no difference, then it’s not important or significant. On the other hand, if what we are doing and how we are being make a difference on this planet then we are propelled to another level. One that has us keenly aware, motivated like no tomorrow, and hungry for more.


Making a difference and having an impact on our world is a game changer. I first learned about this in college but never really woke up to it. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs nails it. Right at the top of his pyramid of human needs are self-actualization and esteem. So, what this means for the average Joe is simple. Show them that they make a difference and their work matters, and they automatically show up differently, engaged and enthusiastic, every time. Yes, 100 percent of the time. The only time it doesn’t work is when I fail to show them that they can personally make a difference. Sometimes people are so far down on themselves or their employer and they don’t see how they can possibly have any impact.


To wrap this up I want to make a bold statement and invite you to think about the difference you make in your world. What impact do you have? I know for most people this is sometimes hard to see about themselves. I also know that we all need people and events to show us and amplify things, so we see the positive difference we’re making in the world.


Look for the good and you will find it.


David Lund – The Hotel Financial Coach


Contact David at (415) 696-9593
Email: david@hotelfinancialcoach.com

