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Earth 300

Longer than the Titanic, wide (150 feet) as the length of a football field and looking like an impregnable hideout of a madcap villain in a new James Bond movie, Earth 300 is anout-of-this world’ ship, with an ‘awe’ inspiring futuristic aerodynamic look. Designed to attract the best and brightest minds in exploring and combating climate change, the vessel plans to be a “science city” on the ocean.


Construction by NED, a polish naval architecture firm is currently underway, at a price tag costing anything between US$ 500 and 700 million once completed in 2025. The nuclear-powered ship driven by technology devised by TerraPower – the nuclear innovation company founded by Billionaire Bill Gates, will provide a new generation of atomic energy that’s safe, sustainable and 100% emission free via the on-board molten-salt reactor. Backing the project is IBM, Triton Submarines, EYOS Expeditions and the international leader in maritime safety, RINA.


Designed by naval architect Iván Salas Jefferson, founder of Iddes Yachts, it is described as an” extreme technology platform” built to house 160 of the most intelligent scientists on earth representing a wide field of expertise.. They will have 22 state-of-the-art laboratories and a 13-story high “science sphere” equipped with robotics, AI and quantum computing at their disposal. In order to ensure that humanity survives the future, there will be some slots available to some of the world’s most promising students.


The orb, referred to as “science city” is designed to look like earth, and, will incorporate the newest technology, ideas and features to enable top climate scientists develop innovative solutions.


The eco sustainable super includes an unparallel observation deck, a helipad to transport passengers and a range of advanced underwater expedition vehicles for deep-sea exploration.


Apart from the 165 member crew, scientist, researchers and students, there will also be spots for 40 VIP guests who will pay US$ 3 million each (10 times more than a seat on Virgin Galactic), for the privilege.


Those behind the project explain that they are combining exploration with education so that consumers become contributors. Imagine embarking on one f the most exhilarating and meaningful voyages of a lifetime where you’ll witness the cutting edge of science – you’re sitting under the tree with Newton when the apple falls, you’re walking on the moon with Armstrong and Aldrin, you’re holding Galileo’s telescope with one hand and a fine libation with the other. Those 40 VIP’s will create and imagine with some of the most eminent thinkers of the day.


“The oceans are dying,” Salas Jefferson told Architectural Digest. “Having been born in Palma de Mallorca, I’ve seen it firsthand in the Mediterranean. Now is the time to reboot, reconnect, and redirect our planet’s destiny. Our oceans keep us—and our planet—alive, and Earth 300’s mission is to protect our oceans and ensure their health for generations to come.” Space may be the future, Salas Jefferson says, but “today, Earth is our only home.”


HSL – News release (Source: Earth 300) 


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