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Sri Lanka amongst 'Top 10 hotspots' with biggest drop in visitors

“A great deal for you means a great deal more for them.”


For many vacation hotspots, COVID – 19 spelled financial disaster. Closed shops, plummeting visitor numbers and travel bans left tourism-dependent economies on the verge of collapse. Now that restrictions are easing and travel is back on the cards, there are some vacation destinations that need more help than others. It’s the hardest- hit hotspots that have seen their locals taking to the sand to write messages that beg for your return.



While tourism only plays a small part in some countries’ economies, in others it’s their biggest earner. When Covid began all that earning stopped, leaving them forced to cut back their spending on things like food, healthcare and public wellbeing. For some traditionally thriving vacation hotspots, the effects of abandoned airports and deserted beaches have been devastating. These countries can’t survive without you. While a vacation for you might be a nice week or two away, for them it’s their way of life.


Without travel, there’s no fallback plan, no failsafe, no alternative employment option. Tourism is how these countries continue, and Covid almost saw them come to a catastrophic halt. It’s up to you to ensure these vacation hotspots can be enjoyed for generations to come.


We offer a huge range of cheap flights to beach vacations in all of the vacation hotspots we’ve mentioned. What might seem like great savings to you could make a huge difference to them, offering you an incredible vacation and giving them a maintainable way of life.


Source: Next Vacay – Flight deal experts


