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Economic turmoil takes its toll on Sri Lanka's tourist arrivals in April '22

The fallout from the island’s economic crisis has impacted on the tourist arrival rate which was up until last month, on an upward trajectory. Daily tourist arrivals that ranged between 4000 to 5000 arrivals in the recent months have plunged to around 1,000 to 2,000 daily in the month of April. As a result, Sri Lanka had welcomed only 43,761 tourists from 1st April until 18th April 2022, bringing the total arrivals for the year so far to 329,095.  


For the first 18 days of April, the United Kingdom has emerged as the major source market, bringing in 8,743 visitors. India, which has slipped to the second position, accounted for 5,802 tourists.


The prognosis is that April may close with a total in excess of 60,000 arrivals as a best case scenario – given the current turmoil, exacerbated by country-wide protests against rising prices including fuel and food shortages as well as daily power-cuts.


Re-appointed Tourism Minister Prasanna Ranatunga said steps are being taken to increase tourist arrivals. However, how this would be done is not known as yet. The Minister went on to add that necessary measures are being taken to ensure the safety of tourists visiting the country and to provide them with the necessary facilities without any hindrance.


Again, plans as to how the tourism industry stakeholders will have continuous access to fuel so the industry can operate with minimal impact amidst the shortages remain shrouded in secrecy. While accommodation providers continue to struggle to procure diesel to fuel generators during power-cuts, tour operators are unable to go forward with their planned packages. Several tour operators took to social media to highlight their plight where they highlighted their inability to transport guests to tourist sites due to difficulties in purchasing fuel.


Hospitality Sri Lanka


