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The Smiling Security Guard

Who is the first person whom you encounter when entering a commercial establishment? Chances are, it’s the security guard. That is the first person that your customer sees or hears and unwittingly, they have become the first point of contact with your business, Alas, being the first face of the business establishment carries a heavy burden that not all individuals understand. All the more reason, to be uncompromising with who you allow to be in that role. Allow me to explain.


The security guard’s demeanour, behaviour, manner of speaking, body language, and general aura of friendless (or hostility) can be the deciding factor for many customers on whether to visit your establishment, or go elsewhere. Many a time I’ve turned away from a hotel, restaurant, or shop, simply because the security guard was acting like he owned the place and I’d trespassed onto his land to steal his sheep. Sort of like those old-timey Texas cowboy films where an out-of-towner walks into a bar, only to be gruffly told by the shotgun-toting bartender “you ain’t welcome here, boy”.


On the flip side, there are plenty of security guards who are not only friendly but go the extra mile to make customers feel welcome. Some of the personnel at the Cinnamon Lakeside hotel (where I basically grew up - being the son of a hotelier and who still remember me nearly three decades later), say ‘hello’, and help find a parking space. Then, there’s the lady at the Glitz outlet in Kandy City Centre whose friendly demeanour and magnetic personality draw you in to the store, even if you didn’t plan on shopping there. An added point is, she’s extremely children - friendly too, another sure-fire way to draw customers into your store. After all, when your kids run inside, you’ll have to run behind them. Then, you see something interesting and get hooked.


Whenever I’ve encountered security personnel with bad attitudes, I’ve made sure to communicate it to the Management of the business – either by direct communication or social media. Then, the most common excuse I receive is “they are outsourced personnel”. In my opinion, that is the lamest excuse known to humankind. Just because they are outsourced personnel doesn’t mean that you can’t have reasonable expectations and standards for them to follow – unless they are working for you at zero cost. If you’re paying for their services, you have every right to demand a certain standard – especially when their current standard of service is causing you to lose potential customers.


If your business is facing such an issue, first of all, take responsibility. Try to find out why the security personnel are unhappy, and hence projecting their unhappiness onto your customers. Perhaps they are hot and tired, and there’s no proper drinking water available either. Maybe they have no place to occasionally sit down and take a breather. Either way, see what you can do to make life easier for them. In most cases, it will be a seemingly trivial issue, but one that becomes a major frustration point when multiplied by eight hours each day.


Remember, you want to have a smiling security guard, because this is the first face that a customer sees. A smiling face is a sure-fire way to get people inside the door, where the rest of your staff can do their bit and deliver a great experience. The worst thing is when the first face is sullen or hostile, and you tell a customer “they are outsourced personnel”. This approach will guarantee that potential customers won’t even cross the threshold between the road and your parking lot. You can have the best product and most personalized service in the world, but it will all go to waste.


Don't settle for someone (even when outsourced), who barely acknowledges or appreciates your customers’ existence. Seek and select the right person to be the first touchpoint. You won't regret it.


Ashraaq Wahab – Director of  Marketing/Sales and Technical - Hospitality Sri Lanka, Automotive  Journalist, Marketer, Photographer and Writer, who enjoys penning his thoughts, insights and ideas on a variety of topics.


