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Waiting for Godot

This nation is gearing to welcome tourists to the island once again in August hopefully in large numbers. So many pundits are clipping their powwow of how best to go about gaining the newly arrival’s trust in our inimitable Emerald island style of friendliness with efficiency.


Expectations are high by the high and mighty of the industry who think squeaky clean as in any open heart surgical ward is warrantied. The food can be as was, because our spreads are second to none and out efficacy standards are bordering on creativity plus and somewhat. What about the ever ready smile that most service staff have mastered over years of slavering under duress for a share of a decent service charge to keep their heads above the ever changing onrushing surf despite the moons’ moody blues.


This much can be said about our minor staff - hardcore and built like the lion rock to push aside their hurtful feelings of ill treatment from the hierarchy who portend servility breeds continuously employability as much as expertise in the various sectors of the hospitality trade.


The point here is simple - the bosses who run the show must be ingrained that everything filters down from the top to bottom. That means keeping an eye only on the bottom line is not good enough practice. Keeping an eye on every single individual that works on their property, as an integral part of the family band wagon not just by words, but by deeds as well.


First and foremost how many laid off workers had something trickling and coming their way in order to sustain their shattered livelihood, so some bread was on their dining table by the grace of their ex-employee during  the shutdown?


Tourists will trickle in when Corona is either a forgotten bodily threat or a vaccine is found because the islands’ visceral beauty has not been affected by this ghastly viral invasion. In fact Mother Lanka has had a welcome breather to regain her luster as the pollutant and careless factors during the lockdown had been minimalized and her cheeks are once again glowing pink.


There are various directives by gregarious affiliated bodies of how to go about regaining the tourism surplus we once enjoyed as well as certain incentives thrown in to make Sri Lanka both a desirable destination and a palatable one in every aspect including the bargain and convenient factor.


These are encouraging nudges to muster continuous business and to be taken in seriously with the right spirit and attitude by the workforce, both executive and nonexecutive staff which is the lifeblood of the hospitality trade.


The attitude of the reigning Gods keeping an eye on profitability and that is alright if lessons learnt during this worldwide pandemic that shook us all also extend to our boys and girls wellbeing running errands for them.


These are the front line ambassadors who can make or break well thought out post-Covid strategies brainstormed inside comfortable aircon boardrooms on cushioned armchairs sipping ice cold cola, my friend.


KayJay pens, rhymes and paints whenever the mood kicks in and keeps him in his study. He also sends writings of others whose deliberations fascinate him and tickles his curiosity. However this does not necessarily mean these viewpoints are fully endorsed. KayJay can be reached via <arekesaya@gmail.com> at your peril and there’s no guarantee of a response or feedback either.

