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Airline etiquette

Most airlines floated their culture as their standard bearer but those that went international had to comply with norms that were already in place. Like the federal Aviation Administration (FAA) that oversaw vigorous safety standards that were in operational procedures worldwide.


Most airlines cruise controlled on two realities. One at local level where the political space took the joystick and the world bodies that dictate quality standards and safety precautions along with set guidelines, manifested in the operational skills platform above everything else, oversaw these aspects vigorously as the other.


When Covid descended unannounced all these apps in place went for a toss.


The sardine pack sitting configurations in economy class has its day of reckoning with social distancing recommendations. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) described this approach as ‘economically unfeasible’ for airlines. However the ‘middle seat empty policy’ was quickly adopted by the likes of Delta Air Lines, Southwest Airlines and JetBlue Airways in order to comply with the evolving crisis.


Long-haul flights were famous for recirculating stale air once the passengers were fed and the lights were dimmed. Now airlines are being forced to replace the air in aircraft cabins with ‘fresh air’ every two to three minutes, and most passenger aircrafts are being refitted with air filters designed to trap 99.99% of particles.

Meanwhile, various new protocols have been implemented, such as face-coverings for both passengers and crew, which is now mandatory on most airlines, temperature screenings, as well as more intensive cabin cleaning and limited movement in the cabin during flight.


What about the drab food that was served in quarantine quantities more suitable for puppies than grown up humans? Well, I haven’t travelled since the advent of Covid-19, but I’m told the same ol’ garbage in sanitized plastic wrapped utilities is forthcoming and that is an abomination travellers pay for the exorbitant price of an air ticket.


Then there is the matter of the loo where a fully stocked airplane on long-haul carrying 300-400 passengers will have more or less a dozen ‘watering holes’ with compressed air flushes. With Covid masquerading in invisible sectors waiting to pounce on vulnerable people, mere air fresheners let loose periodically with lightening dusting by the cabin crew simply won’t do.


No one can recall a time like now where travellers faced doubt and depression at this level of depth and scope. Therefore a coherent conversation needs to pursue to upgrade areas where the passengers literally find themselves with their pants down.


To begin with, the underline airline etiquette that most of us suspected was to fleece us from our hard-earned currency for safely repositioning us from point A to point B in one holistic piece. What happened in-between these two points of entry and exit were mere conjecture or arguably a preference of choice we had to make and bear derogation standards if we opted for the cheap seats.


When it comes to air travel, no one has come up even close with ticks to all the efficacy boxes. Before the sellers’ market swings permanently to a buyers’ market let’s see what the glorified airline etiquette conspirators will come up next, my friend.


KayJay pens, rhymes and paints whenever the mood kicks in and keeps him in his study. He also sends writings of others whose deliberations fascinate him and tickles his curiosity. However this does NOT necessarily mean these viewpoints are fully endorsed. KayJay can be reached via <arekesaya@gmail.com> at your peril and there’s no guarantee of a response or feedback either.

