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The spirit of hospitality flows like currency-your heart is the power bank

Have you ever walked in to work at a hotel or hospitality company and immediately recognized that someone somewhere has determined that today is going to be “one of THOSE days”? It’s almost like someone posted a sign at the staff entrance to make it official. When you greet your first co-worker, they mysteriously transfer the bad vibe over to you. Before you know it, you too are sending the same negative vibe to others. Pretty soon it begins to feel like everyone on your work team is also experiencing “one of those days”. Ave you ever noticed that during days like these, the guests you encounter seem to also be having “one of those days” too? Have you ever wondered, perhaps even out loud, “WHERE did we get THESE guests today? Is there a full moon tonight? Did they close down heartbreak Hotel and send them here?”


On these days, the strangest and most unusual occurrences will happen to our guests. On days like these, certain guests always seem to attract multiple bad experiences. In other words, the one guest who somehow gets checked-in to an out-of-order room will be the same guest in the only room that housekeeping somehow forgets to clean, and also the same (and only) guest whose credit card gets charged twice, and who is inadvertently checked-out early, thus deactivating his key, on the very day he is late to return to his room for a scheduled Zoom meeting.


Yet if you’re true destiny is to work in the professional field of hospitality for the long term, somewhere.

Along the journey you will eventually learn that it’s the energy you bring into the employee entrance that has the biggest impact on how your day is going to go. Walk-in emitting the right vibe, broadcasting it like a cell phone tower emitting a 5G connection, and you will overcome the weak, analog signals of negativity.


As the pages in your Book of Life turn, during your hospitality career you eventually acquire the wisdom to understand that like everything else in the Universe, the spectrum of “extreme” guest personalities runs from unshakeable kind to unimaginable rude. You will eventually recognise that most human spirits are pliable and that most people inhabit the space between the extremes of kind and rude.


Hospitality personalities learn that by starting your day with intention of bringing out the best in everyone you encounter, you can not only turn around a guest’s  “bad day on the road”, but your seemingly small actions will echo like the ripples on still water  when even the smallest pebble is tossed into the pond.


As I write this month’s training article, I’m on board an overcrowded evening flight that departed 2 hours late, filled with people who are tired, cranky and hungry. Although stuck in a middle seat due to a last minute change of plans, and still wearing a mask due to FAA regulations, the positive vibe I sent out with only my eye contact , a few kind words, and what I call “ eye squint smile”, has already been passed on to the flight attendants  who greeted me at the door when  I thanked them for their  service, to my seatmates on either side and to the young, tired petite single mother with a very large and very cranky lap child sitting across from us. Ironically, I noticed when she and I exchanged smiles, her toddler soon settled and quieted down too.


After I deplane, I’ll do my best to pass on my current positive vibe to the rental car attendant, despite that I’m guessing they are still going through a chronic car shortage these days, as there is currently still a shortage of cars due to the unexpected rapid rebound of travel towards the end of the pandemic era. The attendant would probably be telling me there’s a wait for my vehicle and then that I will be “upgraded “ from the premium vehicle I reserved to a minivan, which is just what every recent  empty- nester like me wants to hear. Yet instead of complaining as I might have in my younger days, I will simply flash my eye-squint smile, thank them kindly for their service, and gratefully head on my way in whatever vehicle my destiny holds for me tonight.


Over the years, I have come to realise that the Spirit of Hospitality is like an electrical current that flows through the walls of our homes and offices. Imagine yourself like one of those rechargeable battery banks that powers your cell phone when there is a utility outage. When your “red light” is flashing, you know you very soon will need to recharge your battery bank by plugging in to the higher source. Then, when you are fully recharged and your indicator light is blinking the full 5 blue dots, you are ready to go forth and recharge other devices that are now running low. Without, you they will power off and go dark, but if you offer them access to your source, they too will be recharged and restored.


I hope my readers have enjoyed these reminders and that they can relate to this analogy. The one thing I cannot tell you how to do in the limited space of this article…, well actually the one thing that we all have to find out on our own, is where to find the outlet you need to plug in for a recharge.


Lots of people find their hospitality “charging station” at a house of worship, whether there’s a cross, a crescent and star, the Star of David, or a wheel of dharma. Many others find their charging stations in the loving arms of their family, life partners, children, and dear friends. Still others find it in meditation, by quieting their mind and just listening to sounds of silence. Although we all seek to”plug in” to different sources, the currency that powers all somehow, seems Universal.


Doug Kennedy is President of the Kennedy Training Network, Inc. a leading provider of hotel sales, guest service, reservations, and front desk training programs and telephone mystery shopping services for the lodging and hospitality industry. Doug continues to be a fixture on the industry’s conference circuit for hotel companies, brands and associations, as he been for over two decades. Since 1996, Doug’s monthly training articles have been published worldwide, making him one of the most widely read hospitality industry authorities. Visit KTN at www.kennedytrainingnetwork.com or email him directly doug@kennedytrainingnetwork.com

