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The morning meeting

  The morning meeting is a mainstay in almost every hotel. All the key department managers and leaders gather, usually in the front office or sometimes an in-house meeting room, to devour the day’s business at hand. It is a great read more...

Why OTA's are uber successful?

Have you ever wondered why we all hear so much complaining and downright all-around annoyance being expressed from hotels about the on-line travel agents? You would naturally think that because there is so much protest being made that hotels would read more...

Going down the road

  This title belongs to a classic 1970 Canadian movie about two guys from Nova Scotia, Joey and Peter. They moved to Toronto to seek their fame and fortune. As luck and the writer’s pen would have it, they found little of either. My story read more...

Hospitality financial - flower power

  It was the spring of 1995 and I had recently transferred from one hotel back to the regional base and into a newly created position as the regional operations analyst. The job was tailor-made for me. The position was the read more...

The matching principle

I tell my Introductory Hospitality Financial Leadership Workshop participants that the concept behind the matching principle is “the most important concept today.” Why? When it comes to producing financial information, it’s the cornerstone of understanding why we do almost everything read more...

The next big thing

For almost 10 years our industry has been a rocket ship of top line growth driven almost exclusively by big gains in RevPAR driven by solid increases in occupancy and rate. You also can’t go too far inside the online read more...

Hotel finances for dummies

My primary responsibility as the head of the finance and accounting departments in the hotel was to ensure the books were clean and balanced. What I really got paid for was serving as the “chief financial information officer.” The reality read more...

Investing in financial leadership in your hotel

  CFO to CEO: “What happens if we invest in developing people and they leave?” CEO: “What happens if we don’t and they stay?”   I found this exchange in, of all places, the internet. Go figure. It’s an interesting back and forth read more...

The 5 hidden costs of being branded (Part 2)

Expedia once stated that “Of all the consumers searching Hotels.com, less than 0.5% is searching for specific large brands.” If the impact of the brands’ name and associated brand value was so important to a consumer, why would they choose read more...

The basic principles (part 1)

Accounting was a trade that had a global language much like carpentry or plumbing. There were universal rules that applied and these principles were exactly the same in the hotel business. That was good news. Accounting principles are universal. The read more...

The basic principles (part 2)

  The Business Entity Principle   This principle dictates that - unless a sole proprietor - the assets of the business and any rights to use these assets are separate and distinct.   For example, if Henry Ford was still alive and CEO of the read more...

City/Region wide supply and demand analysis

When you are preparing your budgets, an incredibly valuable tool is what I refer to as the “citywide supply and demand analysis.” I didn’t come up with this, however, I am going to explain how it works, why it’s so read more...

Benchmarking and key business indicators (Part 2)

(Continued from article "Benchmarking and Key Business Indicators (Part 1)".   Here is how to lay out the foundation to collect the data:     Record every single bit of your data in your financial system (general ledger) and financial statements. Create GL codes for read more...

How to prepare a financial budget

Tis the season and most hotels are already well under way with their annual grunt work to prepare a 2020 plan for the regional and corporate teams to review and then it is onward to ownership seeking their approval.   In most read more...

How to use 21-point flow thru inspection ( Part 2)

Continuation from "How to use 21-point flow-through inspection (Part 1)" by David Lund   13. Minor operating departments. Depending upon the variety and size of these operations we need to pinpoint one by one the variance in revenues and profits. Zeroing in read more...

Who inspired you?

Who was the one person in your career you would have done anything for?   Be you for a moment and re-live the experience you had when your career really took off. That place in your past that had you really growing read more...

The financial forecast disconnect and how to correct it

When I work with hotel clients around their financial leadership it’s often centered on getting the team to do their monthly financial forecast. A greater interest in doing it produces better and more consistent results. When doing financial leadership workshops read more...

Hospitality financial - flower power

It was the spring of 1995 and I had recently transferred from one hotel back to the regional base and into a newly created position as the regional operations analyst. The job was tailor-made for me. The position was the read more...

Incentive plans

Recently I have been working with a client who has four hotels and we worked on putting together an incentive plan for his executives. This is a story about how we structured the incentive and the goals around the plan read more...

Understanding liabilities

When I do financial leadership workshops with hotel teams we often talk about liabilities. I tell my audience that I know for a fact that each one of them have at least two liabilities. I get some puzzled and Kreskin-like read more...

What is Leadership?

Leadership can be a confusing application. Just google leadership and you will get so much information it can make your head spin. I am going to try and simplify the definition of leadership in this article. I am writing this read more...

If you know how to do something

As a leader, it is no surprise to hear someone say that teaching others is one of your core responsibilities.   When it comes to delegation it is important to remember there is a big distinction between giving the work you do read more...

Creating a financially engaged team: what to avoid

Creating a financially engaged leadership team takes time, commitment, respect for fair play, resources and a sense of adventure.   When creating something new, for me there was always an element of the unknown. In writing my book, it occurred to me read more...

The three dimensions of delegation

Delegation has three dimensions that are powerful tools. Delegation is also quite often misunderstood. In this article I am going to explain my thoughts on how to use delegation to be more productive, to grow your own abilities and to read more...

Duty meals - Part 1

Recently I attended a hotel association conference where I was a speaker for one of their breakout sessions. The opening morning of the convention started with a breakfast where we listened to the many great developments within the association in read more...

Duty meals - Part 2

Like they say, showing up is half the job. Another acquaintance from my last hotel saw me in the cafeteria one afternoon after one of my lunch shifts. She asked me how it was going. I told her it was read more...

Why do hotels have so many ghosts?

Hotels are notorious for ghosts and ghost stories. Especially in old hotels. This is a story about one of my creepier encounters with something while working in one of the oldest and most famous hotels in the world.   Ever wonder why read more...

Getting close to the engine room

In my career I have worked with a lot of interesting characters. To say the least, they were all quite colorful, usually fanning the flames of the hotel’s drama and adding their own seasoning. One boss I had was particularly read more...

Zero based expenses - how to plan and manage

I help hotels manage their profits more efficiently and in the hospitality world, there are only two main cost types that need a system and a strategy to properly control them. The two culprits are payroll and expenses. In this piece, I am read more...

Separation of duties

In the business world protecting your assets is a critical strategy. Without it, you are open to “things” happening that can cost you a fortune. I was trained with the concept of separation of duties as a foundation so in read more...

Two lies you need to stop telling yourself

#1 – The Lie is Complexifying Everything   That’s a word that means we’re making things complex or what Complexifying also means: You are taking one issue and applying it to many situations or people. For instance, the issue of leaders not read more...

The Consultants

“That’s enough detail. I already have a good understanding of the requirements.” – Jeff Haden, New York Times   Inside of the hotel company I worked for there has always been a constant movement to increase efficiency, especially inside the financial function. Not read more...

Separation of duties - Part 2

In the business world protecting your assets is a critical strategy. Without it you are open to “things” happening that can cost you a fortune. I was trained with the concept of the separation of duties as a foundation so read more...

7 Daily revenue audit must do's

The hotel business is a retail business and in order to stay on top of your business you must fully and completely balance your daily revenues and settlements. Every day we begin anew and every day is a story unto read more...

The busy hotel executive

Coaching people around the financials in hotels is what I do. I accomplish this by one-on-one coaching, usually on the phone or through Skype, or in workshops where as a group we explore and debunk the mystery around the numbers. read more...

Food cost and the 80/20 rule

We have all heard of the 80/20 rule. But I am willing to bet most of you have not heard it in conjunction with the words “food cost.”   A good friend of mine who was an executive chef explained it to read more...

Using EFTE's in your financial reporting

If You Can’t Measure It,You Can’t Improve It. Management thinker Peter Drucker is often quoted as saying, “You can’t manage what you can’t measure.” Drucker means that you can’t know whether or not you are successful unless success is defined and tracked.   In read more...

Understanding the concept of owner spend

The hotel business is unique with owners, brands and assets all vying for their individual needs and attention. All the while this delicate balance has some interesting business characteristics that are essential for hospitality financial leaders to understand. It’s not read more...


The chapter below is an excerpt from my new book. It’s fiction but some of the characters and story lines are based on people I have worked with and events that have taken place in the hotels I have worked read more...

Moving - Part 1

In the hotel business if you want to get ahead you better be ready to move. It’s the way in which you can multiply your opportunities and increase your chance for greater personal prosperity. That’s the way it was explained read more...

A bit about "You Sally"

By someone’s estimate there are roughly one million hotels in the world. I take it that number includes all the different kinds of hotels from small inns and hostels all the way up to your full-service multi-outlet mega hotel operations. read more...

Diversity in hospitality

I have been thinking about this topic for some time. Especially now in 2020 with the social unrest in this country and elsewhere in our world I think it’s time to speak up. For me, that means offering what I read more...

The top 7 front office controls

As you know the front office is the command post for your operation, and it’s also the point where all the receipts come through. Making sure you have solid internal controls at the desk is not only good business, it’s read more...

The third pillar - Part 1

In the hotel business, there are three pillars: the guests, the colleagues, and the money. They are not equal.   They are not equal because we ignore the third pillar and we do so at our own peril and out of a read more...

The third pillar - Part 2

Pillar 3 – The Money   The money, the P&L, the owner, it all boils down to the same thing, providing a superior return for the stakeholder. How is this pillar different? Well, really it is not different. We just treat it read more...

Engage their hearts and minds first

Getting your hotel leadership team excited about accounting is like someone thinking its fun to go to the dentist. Your average person wants nothing to do with it because they have a predisposed notion that it’s yucky, boring and better read more...

Serving lunch

Almost 40 years ago now I was a busboy at a large and busy resort in the Canadian Rockies. I had transferred west a few months earlier from another hotel in the same chain where I had worked for two read more...

Moving - Part 2

In the hotel business if you want to get ahead you better be ready to move. It’s the way in which you can multiply your opportunities and increase your chance for greater personal prosperity. That’s the way it was explained read more...

Shift your thinking

We all have predisposed ways that we look at our world and the things, people and circumstances inside of it. It’s what makes us human and we either have an open mind or one that’s closed. Another way to express read more...

Shift your thinking - Part 2

I like to talk to my workshop participants about this important view of their world before we begin. I know that most have come to my workshop thinking we are going to talk about accounting and for most people, that’s read more...

Morning golf

In my career, I have worked in some incredible hotels and resorts. One of my resort experiences included a summer where a group of us would gather each morning and play nine holes of golf before work. This story is read more...

The daily revenue audit - the must do's

The hotel business is a retail business and in order to stay on top of your business, you must fully and completely balance your daily revenues and settlements. This means dotting the eyes and crossing the Ts, examine them. Every read more...

The top 10 forecasting secrets - Part 1

Forecasting is incredibly important because we need a fresh and current plan to help us execute our financial strategy and as the saying goes, “Without a map any road will take you where you want to go.” I know for many hotels read more...

The top 10 forecasting secrets - Part 2

Forecasting is incredibly important because we need a fresh and current plan to help us execute our financial strategy and as the saying goes, “Without a map any road will take you where you want to go.” I know for many hotels read more...

Only 2 percent better

When we think about solving a problem or fixing a situation and especially when it is a complex issue, we tend to put our head in the sand, throw up our hands and say, “This is not working. It’s so read more...

No townies

I like writing stories about hotels and my experiences in the hospitality business. It is no wonder, I guess, in part because I grew up in a unique place. Guess what it had and still has? A great hotel. A read more...

Credits to cost of sales in food & beverage

Giving the proper credits to your food and beverage operation is an important task. You want to ensure it is done consistently and fairly. This article examines all the usual credits, different types, the proper way to take them and read more...

Rooms market segmentation

One of the most overlooked tools hoteliers have is the ability to create and use rooms market segmentations. Market segments are customer types not geographical. In the manufacturing world, like the old days with VCRs, you have one company making read more...

Money never looks after itself

I do not know about your experience, but for me growing up in the hotel world, and especially my first decade working in F&B and rooms, the adage, “Look after the guests and the money will look after itself,” was read more...

The ROI for financial leadership skills

When it comes to investing in oneself many times people overlook the outcome and instead concentrate on the up-front cost. When we look at the opportunity to improve our own personal prosperity, we need to see the full picture. We read more...

Top 10 list for controlling labor costs

Managing labor costs is a never-ending battle in any hotel. No wonder it adds up to on average 50 percent of the total revenue in hotels around the world. To say labor cost is important is an understatement so in read more...

Why is hotel accounting different?

I heard this about 40 years ago and it has stuck with me. I was a newbie cocktail waiter working part time in my hometown hotel. One of my regular weekend customers was the controller and he was telling me read more...

Why you need a month-end schedule

If you complete a regular monthly close in your hotel, and I certainly hope you do. And if closing your books takes longer than three-five working days, then this is meant for you. Doing your month-end and having a final read more...

Balancing daily revenues and settlements

The hotel business is a form of retail business. Every day we must balance our revenues with our settlements, just like you would if you owned a store. Or for that matter any business that has sales every day and read more...

The 6 quadrants of GOPPAR

GO PAR is the new and exciting measurement everyone is talking about in the hotel business. But let’s be honest. It is a bit of a stretch to comprehend. It is a little more complicated than REVPAR.   Why you ask? Well, read more...

The bridge

In our lives we are continuously evolving as people. When thought of most of the time, this evolution seems like a continuous stream of challenges to overcome. This persistent development is both personal and professional.   The bridge is what I refer to read more...

A Jetstream

I am willing to bet that title got your attention; you’re probably wondering what that is all about. Jetstream is a Canadian company that has developed software and a platform of services that I think will revolutionize our industry. I read more...

The first fifty

As I write this piece, I am proud to say I am 58 years young. So far, my life has been great. Many challenges to overcome like anyone and many bumps in the road for sure. Someone once said that read more...

Why auditors miss the mark

I recently watched a documentary on fraud and why the auditors were unable to detect anything even when they were right on top of what was so obvious to the person featured in the interview. The narrator also explained very read more...

What counts and why?

If you do not have all three of these metrics on your radar screen at the same time, you are flying the profit picture in your food operation with at least one eye closed. All three metrics must work together read more...

What counts and why? (continued)

Contribution Margins   The third part of my radar screen is the most powerful and, in my experience, the least understood aspect: food contribution margin. It is the inverse of the food cost relationship.   When you boil it down, it is: What’s my gross read more...

The early arrival program

With my workshops and speaking I often do an exercise where I challenge each leader to find a minimum of $250 in next month’s forecast that can be savings in the form of reduced payroll or expenses. It can also read more...

Introducing: Patrick CORE McClary

If Your Challenge is Food & Beverage Then – Meet Your Maker   Everywhere you look it’s bleeding. The patient is so messed up it’s not even funny. It will never fix itself. You need CORE on your side.   CostOperationsRevenueExecute   Patrick is a self-made read more...

How to prepare a 5-year proforma

Preparing a five-year financial plan for your hotel might sound daunting, but it is all in your head.   Let’s lay it out. You are either dreaming about a business that does not exist yet and you need a plan, or you read more...

Top 10 list for controlling hotel expenses

The word “expenses” needs to be defined and refined for this article. Expense broadly refers to any cost a business has including payroll, goods and services and cost of goods, “the cost required for something; the money spent on something.” That is read more...

Auditors who don't know what they don't know

I’ve had my share of dealing with external auditors in my several decades of working in hotels, particularly midway during my hoteliering career, as Front Office Manager.  The fact of the matter was that many of the auditors that were read more...

What is "Hospitality Financial Leadership?"

A few years ago, finding the three words "hospitality financial leadership” together in one sentence was not possible. I know because I tried to Google them in 2014 and came up with a grab-bag of ideas on leadership, consulting, courses read more...

Engage their hearts and minds first

You might think that getting your hotel leadership team excited about accounting is like convincing them it is fun to go to the dentist.   Your average person wants nothing to do with it because they are predisposed to think it is read more...

The 2024 hotel budget period is around the corner

The hospitality industry has seen unprecedented volatility over the past few years, which may make creating a budget for 2024 intimidating. However one has to get ready to plan the hotel budget for 2024 pretty soon.   Before getting started, let’s remind read more...

Closing costs

In my life, there are few if any financial moments that have created a lasting positive memory. At least that is how it has been for me. Not too many earth-shattering activities, but one on the money side stands out. read more...

How to properly record packages in your hotel

Packages are, on the one hand, straightforward. They are a well-established offering in most hotels, customers love them, and they are not going away. On the other hand, most hoteliers are at a loss to properly set up and manage read more...

The top 10 cash controls

Cash is King. That’s an old expression but it’s also one that still rings true today. Everyone likes cash even if we don’t carry so much with us personally anymore. It’s important to recognize that some people will help themselves read more...

Putting a dollar value on a hotel

Determining the current selling or asking price for a hotel is a bit tricky. Compared to estimating the present value of a house it’s more like a detailed math exercise rather than a Google search on Redfin. That’s what this read more...

The Top 10 Accounts Receivable controls

“AR” as we commonly refer to the sub department of the accounting function is a mainstay in any larger group-based hotel. In these juggernauts the importance of efficiently collecting your money is mission critical. Not only do we take the read more...

The early arrival program

With my workshops and speaking, I often do an exercise where I challenge each leader to find a minimum of $250 in next month's forecast. That can be savings in the form of reduced payroll or expenses. It can also read more...

10 Best Places to visit in Sri Lanka - World Top 10
